Textiles: Eva Sonaike Introduces the FALOMO Collection Inspired by Mid-Century African Architecture

[Image credit: FALOMO collection – Eva Sonaike]
London- based textile design studio, Eva Sonaike unveiled FALOMO, their latest textile collection at Maison & Object. Featuring a soft spring-fresh colour palette of lilacs, pinks and greys accentuated with bold purple and green hues, the Falomo collection is inspired by mid-century African architecture from the late 1940’s. Also referred to as ‘Tropical Modernism’, the architectural style combined western building styles with local building traditions.

[Image credit: FALOMO collection – Eva Sonaike]
The FALOMO collection offers a fresh approach to an postcolonial era during which new African nations expressed their new found confidence and pride through the creation of a new style of architecture. – Eva Sonaike

[Image credit: top; Pouffe; bottom; Odi Cushion – Eva Sonaike]
In paying homage to this era five designs in two-colourways making up the Falomo collection feature geometrical patterns and continuous lines that represent movement, development and progress. Odi leads the collection with its parallel zig-zag design representing the fences and iron gates that can still be seen throughout West Africa; Ala represents bridging the gap between the old and the new, whilst Aluro reinterprets of the structure of concrete facades; Okuta evokes the stark texture of concrete used in Tropical Modernist buildings; and Iri takes its inspiration from the grid approach to urban planning prevalent in mid-century urban West Africa. In addition to being presented on luxurious interior and personal furnishings, the collection also sees the introduction of lampshades.
Perfect for bringing a spring infused African interior design style into your home.

Additional Details:
For further information about Eva Sonaike and to purchase visit: www.evasonaike.com
[Image credits: All images belong to Eva Sonaike. If downloaded and used elsewhere please credit accordingly.]