Art: Gayle Garner Roski Zulu Basket Series
Gayle Garner Roski [Africa Inspired]

American artist Gayle Garner Roski creates vibrant watercolours based on subjects drawn from her many travels and surroundings; injected with an inherent sense of realism Gayle’s work is incredibly life-like, capturing minute details in her often emotive work. In her Zulu Basket Series, Gayle captures the beauty and skill of basket weaving and the intricate details of the weave and patterns. The vivid watercolours give the baskets a luminous quality. I keep imagining the paintings rendered in glass and set into a door, window, or glass wall. Gayle shows her work at Tirage, a Fine Art Gallery in Pasadena, California.

[Image credit: Gayle Garner Roski, Zulu Basket Series I and II – Tirage]
Additional details:
Zulu Basket Series paintings currently on Tirage Art Gallery priced at: USD$2,200-USD$2,400
For further information about Gayle Garner Roski visit:
To purchase paintings from Tirage visit: