atelier 55 is the 2020 Amara Best Interior Lifestyle Blog Award, Winner

I am beyond thrilled and delighted to share that the atelier 55 blog won the Amara Best Interior Lifestyle Blog Award for 2020 in a category that was sponsored by the luxury British heritage brand Wedgwood. Winning an award as atelier 55 celebrates 10 years makes it all the more sweeter.
Making the shortlist, being recognised in the company of incredible well-established bloggers, and having best in their field judges review my blog was already a win for me, but actually being announced the winner was something else entirely. (The awards were held online this year so I had to wait for a bit before holding the actual award in my hands.)
While accepting the award my thank yous descended into tears as the reality of what winning meant, and not just to me. I blog about African design and lifestyle. In the interiors world, this is a highly niche subject, to say the least. Pre the events of 2020 mainstream acceptance and visibility for Africa and its contemporary designers was a struggle and if I am honest still is. For a precious moment in time winning cast a light into the atelier 55 journey, and is a reflection of the designers, artisans, makers, organisations whose work I have the honour of showcasing on atelier 55. Without the work they do atelier 55 wouldn’t exist and for that, I am sincerely grateful.
Blogging is harder than most realise. Staying the course takes commitment. A lot of time and effort has gone into making atelier 55 what it is, and there are times when I have wanted to walk away, but the designs and stories I discover are what have kept me going.
So I just want to say a huge thank you for voting, for reading, supporting and for being a part of the atelier 55 community. I appreciate you more than you will ever know. And also thank you to Amara for the opportunity and the goodies they supplied.
– Tapiwa