Looking Back On A Year Of Change as atelier | 55 Turns 9

I know I say this every year, but it’s hard to believe that atelier| 55 turns 9 today! Who would have thought it? This birthday marks a year of profound change as the platform has undergone the biggest evolution since I published my first blog post.
The addition of a shop selling some of the designs you read about, the introduction of a consultancy and educational portal to help designers build and develop world-class brands, a brand refresh, not to mention the streamlining of the name, and not least the launch of the Behind The Design podcast. T
When I started this platform I didn’t have much of a plan other than that I needed a space to record my findings. It was my digital scrapbook so to speak. When I started it the African design industry was just beginning to bud and finding my place in it required a lot of trial and error as I’ve gone along.
Being a part of this journey has and continues to be a privilege, and from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank those of you who have been on it with me. Your encouragement and support are what have kept me going. And I look forward to continuing it with you.
– Tapiwa